

[PL] Tym razem więcej po angielsku. Rozmowa ze Stephenem Taylorem z zespołu Trike.

[EN] I’ve been trying to make this interview with Trike for a while. With no result. So, when I saw Stephen (a member of a band) in U-Bahn (metro :) ), I decided it was high time to do something about it. We exchanged mobile numbers and finally met to talk about Trike. But then it turned out that there are more things that we can actually speak about. In fact, Stephen was asking more questions than I did. And he was such a great listener, which obviously is a good characteristic for a musician…

                       -I didn’t record anything, so these are not the exact words Stephen has used.-
                                      -These are not the exact questions I've asked.-
                                     - The conversation had much different flow :).-

BERLINSKO: How long have you been in Berlin for?
Stephen: For 2, 5 years now.
BERLINSKO: And how is it so far?
Stephen: So far, so good. Although, I have to admit it was easier when Xania was here (*she went to Canada, and since then Stephen was playing solo shows*).
BERLINSKO: What brought you here?
Stephen: On our second tour in Europe, I got lucky. With the stolen money we managed to start living here. I already knew some people in Berlin. I met them during my studies in the Netherlands.
BERLINSKO: Is it easy to make a living as a musician?
Stephen: It’s not that bad. We never had to go busking. And people donated money for us in exchange of videos made specially for them.
BERLINSKO: How do you organize your shows?
Stephen: Most of the time, we get invitations to play.
BERLINSKO: Do you usually plan what to do on the stage?
Stephen: It’s half planned and half improvised.
BERLINSKO: How would you describe your music?
Stephen: It used to be Electro-Art-Pop, but now we call it ‘90s cut-and-paste music’.
BERLINSKO: Do you know how to dance?
Stephen: Yes, why?
BERLINSKO: Just curious.
And this is when Stephen started to ask questions. It turned out that we both have great passion for the cinema. We stopped talking about the music and started talking about the movies we’ve seen, the directors we like, the director’s we don’t like. Old films, new films. Actors and actresses. Actresses that used to be really popular, but their charm faded away. Stephen told me about the dream he had the other night. He dreamt about Winona Ryder (*good taste Stephen !!!*). He said it was nothing erotic. He was back at Uni… walking around and holding hands with Winona…

                                          Stephen Paul Taylor (from Trike):

  • likes e.g.: M83 and Morphine (*the band*)
  • likes Canadian literature
  • recommends Canadian films worth seeing – Exotica and The Sweet Hereafter by Atom Egoyan
  • likes e.g.: Fritz Lang, Pablo Picasso
  • speaks French
  • likes in Berlin: Antje Oeklesund
  • Is going to play ‘Crazy fun 80’s-style sunshine synthpop’ at LOOPHOLE, Boddinstr. 60 on 19th Sept., 2012, 22:00 YOU GOT TO SEE THIS! ♥

NEW ALBUM COMING SOON! Due out on November 15, 2012 !!!! 

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